First, lets discuss Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes and Trailers!
Regardless of how well a mobile/manufactured home or trailer is built, anchor system failures are the primary cause of most fatalities. Even well-built manufactured homes can be destroyed if they become airborne. MH anchorage systems are designed to provide lateral stability, NOT to resist uplift forces. So, whether you already have a MH or plan to purchase one, there are actions you can take to improve the survivability of it. (Obtained from the National Weather Service Birmingham, Illustrations courtesy of Dr. David Roueche, Auburn University.)
Click on the picture above to download a copy!
Mobile home three step plan to get ready for severe weather before it happens.
(Obtained from the National Weather Service Birmingham, Illustrations courtesy of Dr. David Roueche, Auburn University.)
Click on the picture above to download a copy!
While these pictures are not from Marengo County, we have had several people who
have lost their lives over the years due to being in a mobile home during severe weather!
Now, lets discuss Travel Trailers and RV's
Regardless of how well a travel trailer or RV (recreational vehicle), is built or how much they cost they are not safe during severe weather.
The simple fact is that they are not capable of sustaining the type of wind that can be produced during severe weather. Unlike mobile homes RVs are not anchored to the ground or any type of foundation.
RV’s can and have been completely destroyed, flipped or tossed around in the air during severe weather. Another dangerous situation that should be considered for those in a RV is flooding or trees falling on them. Flooding can occur without notice and sweep away an RV due to it not be anchored and the lighter weight. Falling trees can land on a RV, completely destroy it and injuring or killing those inside.
These pictures are not from Marengo County
Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, Trailers, Travel Trailers and RV's
Do you live in a Mobile Home, Manufactured Home, Trailer, Travel Trailer or RV?
Regardless, of their name (classification) none of the above are safe during severe weather. All of these examples are especially susceptible to high winds from severe weather (severe thunderstorms, tornados, hurricanes etc.). You and your family will likely not be safe if you decide to ride out the storm, whether you’re in a hallway, a closet or a bathroom. Just because yo were safe in your mobile home or RV during the last storm doesn't mean you will be safe during the next one! Property can be replaced by you can't be! Your family can't be replaced!
Marengo County Emergency Communications District